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Caring for others

« The only ones among you who will truly be happy are those who will have sought a way to serve others. » Albert Schweitzer

Demographic explosion

As 2 more billion humans will be welcome on Earth by 2050, it will be impossible to offer our future citizens the way of life of the average American of today.

Accelerated urbanization

As global warming pushes farmers off their farms and wealth creation is mostly coming from cities, 75% of earthlings will be urban tomorrow.

Territorial inequalities

As the atlas of the future world is increasingly dissimilar to the geographical boundaries inherited from political history, the gap widens between the inhabitants of the same country.

Violated rights

As access to basic needs remains as fundamental as human rights to protect minorities, the oppressed and the most vulnerable among us.

Education for sustainable development

Focusing our development on a more immaterial economy: that of knowledge, to learn how to share the limited resources of this ‘little flying rock’ amongst all of its inhabitants.

Access to basic needs

Providing to those who have nothing enough to eat a way to relieve their hunger and also to allow them to find proper housing with access to clean water, sanitation and electricity.

Glocal solidarities

Creating new forms of close and distant support around common values, in real and virtual worlds, that favour strong links between urbanity and rural proximity.

Stand up for the most vulnerable

Prioritizing assistance to those who, in an increasingly complex, globalized and changing world cannot make their voices heard and need lawyers and rights.

Discover the Shamengo pioneers who care for others!

Samuel Ross

Brewster, NY / United States
Dans mon école, les animaux et la nature sont les meilleurs enseignants
Green Chimneys fondé en 1947 par Samuel Ross est une organisation à but non lucratif qui s’adresse aux enfants qui ont "échoué" dans un contexte éducatif traditionnel. La résidence est basée dans un centre agricole et animalier à Brewster et dans un deuxième campus à Carmel, dans l'État de New York. Green Chimneys est reconnue dans le monde entier en tant qu'établissement chef de file en matière de thérapie assistée par la nature et les animaux. Ses programmes, basés sur les effets thérapeutiques de la relation homme-animal, célèbrent la dignité et la valeur de tous les êtres vivants. Ils ont pour vocation d'aider les jeunes à se réapproprier leur enfance, à retrouver leur estime et leur confiance, pour devenir à terme des adultes autonomes et en mesure de réussir leur vie.

A Villa dedicated to caring for others

With dematerialization trends in economy, the Villa Shamengo, as in the great era of the caravanserai, is an open space where all the key players of a society in transition meet and exchange. Rich or poor, sick or healthy, educated or illiterated, connected or isolated, the practice of working with others will be the key to enter.

Shamengo School

Learn how to care for others: One of our four core teaching components of a new art of leaving