Peter Vadasz
Güssing - Austria
I use the forest judiciously
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The mayor of an industry town left behind by the new economy, Peter has restored citizen morale by exploiting the undreamt-of riches of the area. It’s a rare story of a successful economic conversion.
Peter VadaszI use the forest judiciously
Olivier CussenotI use dogs to sniff out prostate cancer
Pierfrancesco MaranI collect your food waste to make compost
Hommage à Charles-Edouard Oksenhendler, fondateur de la Ferme de la Glutamine
Guilherme BampiI created a new recycled and recyclable material
Jordi MartiI invented a blood test without needles
Rémi SuccojaMy electric bike runs on hydrogen
I created a universal language for the deaf community
Jesús Manuel AldreteI make 100% biodegradable chewing gum
Miguel LuengoWipe out malaria with my video game
Sameer SawarkarI offer an inexpensive complete check-up via telephone.
Olivier DesurmontI wash cars without water
ESD & Ecole de Condé - Projet Bistrot pour Villa Shamengo
Claudia HollmI created a soup kitchen for animals
Kanta HaniI created the zero waste festival
Veronika ScottI created a blanket coat for the homeless
pierre duponchelI use your jeans to insulate your house
Carlos EspinosaMy nets capture water from the clouds
Cédric CarlesI use nature to play turntables
Muru ArunachalamI’m the first man to wear sanitary pads