I collect your food waste to make compost

Head of transport, waste and water for Milan, Pierfranco loves an ecological mission impossible. This is neither his first nor his impressive achievements, but it’s perhaps the one he is most proud of. Outpacing the Nordic countries in waste recycling when you live in a southern country is no mean feat!

Trade your steak for bugs!

Cedric launched the first insect farm in France because this new source of protein can be a viable response to an ever-increasing demand for meat at a global level, giving your recipes a new twist.

I bring light slums with our old plastic bottles

Because more than one billion people on the planet still lack access to electricity, Illac offers an open source, low tech green technology that allows anyone to become part of the solution. Enlightening.

I make 100% biodegradable chewing gum

The chewing gum we toss carelessly onto our streets and pavements are a nightmare for city authorities to clean. London spends a whopping six million euros to deal with the problem! A Mexican cooperative, led by Jose-Manuel Aldrete, has a much more economical and ecological solution …

I make paper from stone

We are all familiar with paper made from the cellulose of trees. But Henry manufactures paper using stone dust. It’s a radical way to keep trees in the ground, and you’ve got to see it to believe it.

I pioneered farming in a bag

In Kenya, soaring food prices mean that those who live in slums go without vegetables in their diet, causing vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition. Pegga has reintroduced vegetables to these populations with her farm-in-a-bag. The vegetable garden in a bag is now a common sight…


I recharge my phone while getting fit

Georgie loves combining business with pleasure! She manufactures fitness machines that are installed in parks and schools, motivating her troops with technology that converts lost energy into free energy. It’s such a good idea it might even get you pedalling harder!